This newsletter is nice and early as Bob and I will be in Minnesota for a few days and I don't want to get behind.
Meals on Wheels: July 23rd - Alex Miles, July 30 - Ron Milleker, August 7th - David May
Birthdays: July 28th - Chakra Balayar
Anniversaries: July 28th - Denis and Laraine Tremblay, July 28th - Janice and Laurie Giroux
Our mystery speaker was Stafford who has a broken ankle. He did his vocational talk in 1978 and apparently it was popular as he was asked to do it again today! The program chair (Stafford) asked him to do it!
Three gentlemen:
Summertime Rotary is full of laughs so you should get to as many meetings as possible.
This photo makes it look like Anna lost an arm while volunteering at Habitat for Humanity, but she, Felipe, and Alvena had an injury-free day. Volunteer for this worthwhile endeavor if you can.
More laughs at the meeting and I think it was all about lending Michele a quarter for the 50/50.
Happy 49th anniversary to these young folks!
How well do you know your fellow Rotarians?
Last week's question was who is our 2014-15 district governor and the answer is Pat Chernesky.
This week's question: Who is our club's newest grandfather?
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